Guy Warren

Head of advisory services - climate change & carbon markets

Guy is a qualified lawyer and holds a BSc (hons) in Forestry from the University of Wales, Bangor and the University of British Columbia. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Foresters and has held several high-profile roles with leading forestry and land management businesses in the UK and Finland.  He has contributed to and authored numerous research papers on forestry markets and investment trends. 

He was invited to present his ideas on novel forms of finance to the Independent Panel on Forestry at DEFRA and he coordinated the Institute of Chartered Foresters National Conference in Glasgow entitled Woodlands in the Green Economy. Most recently, his interest in climate finance and its contribution to delivering natural capital gain saw him involved in a vanguard UK-based afforestation project utilising the leverage of the Woodland Carbon Guarantee to subsequently secure debt financing. 

At HAMERKOP, Guy’s role as head of advisory services is to coordinate the provision of services aiming at developing and delivering high quality carbon, biodiversity and social impact land use projects (e.g., forestry and agriculture) funded through carbon and climate finance.